Malgilb´s Turnir zwischen 2 Ligen

Open Tournament. 10 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory. 10 Wlohty to join, first prize is 100 Wlohty.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 nitschewo 9 8 0 1 3513-2973 540 16
2 Calum Doone 9 8 0 1 3304-2883 421 16
3 Goodyshoes 9 6 0 3 3482-2904 578 12
4 smartraser 9 5 0 4 3169-2983 186 10
5 Chaos Queen 9 5 0 4 3315-3181 134 10
6 krokoistda 9 5 0 4 3154-3164 -10 10
7 malgilb 9 4 0 5 2936-3054 -118 8
8 Binel 9 3 0 6 3003-3113 -110 6
9 lampionblume 9 1 0 8 2685-3229 -544 2
10 SusiSorgenfrei 9 0 0 9 2502-3579 -1077 0

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Match Result
malgilb - Chaos Queen 338 - 354
malgilb - smartraser 343 - 306
malgilb - krokoistda 290 - 393
malgilb - lampionblume 310 - 234
malgilb - SusiSorgenfrei 349 - 308
malgilb - Calum Doone 345 - 357
malgilb - Goodyshoes 367 - 357
malgilb - nitschewo 301 - 385
malgilb - Binel 293 - 360
Chaos Queen - malgilb 354 - 338
Chaos Queen - smartraser 323 - 359
Chaos Queen - krokoistda 448 - 359
Chaos Queen - lampionblume 352 - 325
Chaos Queen - SusiSorgenfrei 444 - 279
Chaos Queen - Calum Doone 346 - 414
Chaos Queen - Goodyshoes 343 - 416
Chaos Queen - nitschewo 350 - 376
Chaos Queen - Binel 355 - 315
smartraser - malgilb 306 - 343
smartraser - Chaos Queen 359 - 323
smartraser - krokoistda 330 - 344
smartraser - lampionblume 467 - 300
smartraser - SusiSorgenfrei 402 - 252
smartraser - Calum Doone 330 - 343
smartraser - Goodyshoes 324 - 317
smartraser - nitschewo 306 - 420
smartraser - Binel 345 - 341
krokoistda - malgilb 393 - 290
krokoistda - Chaos Queen 359 - 448
krokoistda - smartraser 344 - 330
krokoistda - lampionblume 333 - 309
krokoistda - SusiSorgenfrei 415 - 227
krokoistda - Calum Doone 310 - 331
krokoistda - Goodyshoes 303 - 447
krokoistda - nitschewo 345 - 432
krokoistda - Binel 352 - 350
lampionblume - malgilb 234 - 310
lampionblume - Chaos Queen 325 - 352
lampionblume - smartraser 300 - 467
lampionblume - krokoistda 309 - 333
lampionblume - SusiSorgenfrei 333 - 290
lampionblume - Calum Doone 247 - 327
lampionblume - Goodyshoes 320 - 322
lampionblume - nitschewo 365 - 382
lampionblume - Binel 252 - 446
SusiSorgenfrei - malgilb 308 - 349
SusiSorgenfrei - Chaos Queen 279 - 444
SusiSorgenfrei - smartraser 252 - 402
SusiSorgenfrei - krokoistda 227 - 415
SusiSorgenfrei - lampionblume 290 - 333
SusiSorgenfrei - Calum Doone 337 - 361
SusiSorgenfrei - Goodyshoes 253 - 519
SusiSorgenfrei - nitschewo 269 - 428
SusiSorgenfrei - Binel 287 - 328
Calum Doone - malgilb 357 - 345
Calum Doone - Chaos Queen 414 - 346
Calum Doone - smartraser 343 - 330
Calum Doone - krokoistda 331 - 310
Calum Doone - lampionblume 327 - 247
Calum Doone - SusiSorgenfrei 361 - 337
Calum Doone - Goodyshoes 335 - 368
Calum Doone - nitschewo 452 - 357
Calum Doone - Binel 384 - 243
Goodyshoes - malgilb 357 - 367
Goodyshoes - Chaos Queen 416 - 343
Goodyshoes - smartraser 317 - 324
Goodyshoes - krokoistda 447 - 303
Goodyshoes - lampionblume 322 - 320
Goodyshoes - SusiSorgenfrei 519 - 253
Goodyshoes - Calum Doone 368 - 335
Goodyshoes - nitschewo 289 - 335
Goodyshoes - Binel 447 - 324
nitschewo - malgilb 385 - 301
nitschewo - Chaos Queen 376 - 350
nitschewo - smartraser 420 - 306
nitschewo - krokoistda 432 - 345
nitschewo - lampionblume 382 - 365
nitschewo - SusiSorgenfrei 428 - 269
nitschewo - Calum Doone 357 - 452
nitschewo - Goodyshoes 335 - 289
nitschewo - Binel 398 - 296
Binel - malgilb 360 - 293
Binel - Chaos Queen 315 - 355
Binel - smartraser 341 - 345
Binel - krokoistda 350 - 352
Binel - lampionblume 446 - 252
Binel - SusiSorgenfrei 328 - 287
Binel - Calum Doone 243 - 384
Binel - Goodyshoes 324 - 447
Binel - nitschewo 296 - 398

Match program

Match Result
malgilb - Binel 293 - 360
Chaos Queen - nitschewo 350 - 376
smartraser - Goodyshoes 324 - 317
krokoistda - Calum Doone 310 - 331
lampionblume - SusiSorgenfrei 333 - 290
malgilb - nitschewo 301 - 385
Binel - Goodyshoes 324 - 447
Chaos Queen - Calum Doone 346 - 414
smartraser - SusiSorgenfrei 402 - 252
krokoistda - lampionblume 333 - 309
malgilb - Goodyshoes 367 - 357
nitschewo - Calum Doone 357 - 452
Binel - SusiSorgenfrei 328 - 287
Chaos Queen - lampionblume 352 - 325
smartraser - krokoistda 330 - 344
malgilb - Calum Doone 345 - 357
Goodyshoes - SusiSorgenfrei 519 - 253
nitschewo - lampionblume 382 - 365
Binel - krokoistda 350 - 352
Chaos Queen - smartraser 323 - 359
malgilb - SusiSorgenfrei 349 - 308
Calum Doone - lampionblume 327 - 247
Goodyshoes - krokoistda 447 - 303
nitschewo - smartraser 420 - 306
Binel - Chaos Queen 315 - 355
malgilb - lampionblume 310 - 234
SusiSorgenfrei - krokoistda 227 - 415
Calum Doone - smartraser 343 - 330
Goodyshoes - Chaos Queen 416 - 343
nitschewo - Binel 398 - 296
malgilb - krokoistda 290 - 393
lampionblume - smartraser 300 - 467
SusiSorgenfrei - Chaos Queen 279 - 444
Calum Doone - Binel 384 - 243
Goodyshoes - nitschewo 289 - 335
malgilb - smartraser 343 - 306
krokoistda - Chaos Queen 359 - 448
lampionblume - Binel 252 - 446
SusiSorgenfrei - nitschewo 269 - 428
Calum Doone - Goodyshoes 335 - 368
malgilb - Chaos Queen 338 - 354
smartraser - Binel 345 - 341
krokoistda - nitschewo 345 - 432
lampionblume - Goodyshoes 320 - 322
SusiSorgenfrei - Calum Doone 337 - 361

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