
Welcome to Wordfeud League of Honour! We arrange tournaments in Wordfeud and several other games. Read the details under 'Rules', and join us under 'Sign up'!

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Geir trenger bare tretti poeng for å rykke opp i sjette divisjon.
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Anna has two blanks and too many options.
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Alt Frode ville ha var kjærlighet. Men det var ikke plass på brettet.


League: Season: Division: Group:   Player:  

1toolman22 4 2021674 - 1690-164Rhode Island
2Drill 1 100487 - 431562Trenches
3Underminer 1 100388 - 371172Virginia
4Johnrb360 0 0000 - 000
5SunshineandHunny 0 0000 - 000TX
6monday1 0 0000 - 000Dublin, Ireland
7Gomich 0 0000 - 000
8mad as hell! 0 0000 - 000Florida
9DDane23 0 0000 - 000OHIO
10ZBZ 0 0000 - 000Denver
11Chase6 0 0000 - 000Yukon, Oklahoma, USA
12Uncle_Hrothgar 1 001387 - 401-140North Carolina
13mtremayne 1 001428 - 471-430

Deadline: 27/02 2025 17:59 New York Time

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Name Message Time
LoBotMan, that is a virtuoso lot! MONDAY1 is the player here who has won most groups, with a total of 46 victories. JOHNRB360 is number 2 on the all time table of division one. MAD AS HELL! is in splendid form and was just promoted from division 2. GOMICH is a first-rate player who has been number 2 in division 1 in season 319. MTREMAYNE is a good opponent who was number 5 on this level last season. SUNSHINEANDHUNNY is a erudite player who finished as number 7 in this level in the 330th season. UNCLE_HROTHGAR is the one who most recently won a group on a decent level, the player won division 1 back in season 331. ZBZ is a gifted player who actually won the entire league in season 308. UNDERMINER is the player here who most recently went undefeated through an entire season, it happened in 3. division in season 315. CHASE6 is the player with the highest average score in a season (only counting the last 50 seasons), with 507 points per match (it happened in season 302 in division 6.) DRILL is a fabulous opponent who was number 6 on this level last season. DDANE23 is a clever player who has been number 2 in division 1 in season 318. TOOLMAN22 is the most frequent winner in the gang counting the last 50 seasons, with a frequency of 1.76 victories per loss.

UNCLE_HROTHGAR, UNDERMINER, SUNSHINEANDHUNNY, GOMICH, TOOLMAN22 and ZBZ is among these few heartwarm samaritans who sacrifice some of their own money, earned through suffering and pain, to pay for the fun for all of us.

The two last players will be relegated. My two favourites here are Uncle_Hrothgar and Underminer. They have met 20 times before in the league, and Uncle_Hrothgar is ahead 13-7 in victories. So if I have to choose, I believe that Uncle_Hrothgar will top the table at the end of the season.

14/02 2025 03:05:09

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Uncle_Hrothgar - Underminer
Uncle_Hrothgar - mtremayne
Uncle_Hrothgar - Johnrb360
Uncle_Hrothgar - Drill
Uncle_Hrothgar - SunshineandHunny
Uncle_Hrothgar - monday1
Uncle_Hrothgar - Gomich
Uncle_Hrothgar - mad as hell!
Uncle_Hrothgar - toolman22387 - 401
Uncle_Hrothgar - DDane23
Uncle_Hrothgar - ZBZ
Uncle_Hrothgar - Chase6
Underminer - Uncle_Hrothgar
Underminer - mtremayne
Underminer - Johnrb360
Underminer - Drill
Underminer - SunshineandHunny
Underminer - monday1
Underminer - Gomich
Underminer - mad as hell!
Underminer - toolman22388 - 371
Underminer - DDane23
Underminer - ZBZ
Underminer - Chase6
mtremayne - Uncle_Hrothgar
mtremayne - Underminer
mtremayne - Johnrb360
mtremayne - Drill
mtremayne - SunshineandHunny
mtremayne - monday1
mtremayne - Gomich
mtremayne - mad as hell!
mtremayne - toolman22428 - 471
mtremayne - DDane23
mtremayne - ZBZ
mtremayne - Chase6
Johnrb360 - Uncle_Hrothgar
Johnrb360 - Underminer
Johnrb360 - mtremayne
Johnrb360 - Drill
Johnrb360 - SunshineandHunny
Johnrb360 - monday1
Johnrb360 - Gomich
Johnrb360 - mad as hell!
Johnrb360 - toolman22
Johnrb360 - DDane23
Johnrb360 - ZBZ
Johnrb360 - Chase6
Drill - Uncle_Hrothgar
Drill - Underminer
Drill - mtremayne
Drill - Johnrb360
Drill - SunshineandHunny
Drill - monday1
Drill - Gomich
Drill - mad as hell!
Drill - toolman22487 - 431
Drill - DDane23
Drill - ZBZ
Drill - Chase6
SunshineandHunny - Uncle_Hrothgar
SunshineandHunny - Underminer
SunshineandHunny - mtremayne
SunshineandHunny - Johnrb360
SunshineandHunny - Drill
SunshineandHunny - monday1
SunshineandHunny - Gomich
SunshineandHunny - mad as hell!
SunshineandHunny - toolman22
SunshineandHunny - DDane23
SunshineandHunny - ZBZ
SunshineandHunny - Chase6
monday1 - Uncle_Hrothgar
monday1 - Underminer
monday1 - mtremayne
monday1 - Johnrb360
monday1 - Drill
monday1 - SunshineandHunny
monday1 - Gomich
monday1 - mad as hell!
monday1 - toolman22
monday1 - DDane23
monday1 - ZBZ
monday1 - Chase6
Gomich - Uncle_Hrothgar
Gomich - Underminer
Gomich - mtremayne
Gomich - Johnrb360
Gomich - Drill
Gomich - SunshineandHunny
Gomich - monday1
Gomich - mad as hell!
Gomich - toolman22
Gomich - DDane23
Gomich - ZBZ
Gomich - Chase6
mad as hell! - Uncle_Hrothgar
mad as hell! - Underminer
mad as hell! - mtremayne
mad as hell! - Johnrb360
mad as hell! - Drill
mad as hell! - SunshineandHunny
mad as hell! - monday1
mad as hell! - Gomich
mad as hell! - toolman22
mad as hell! - DDane23
mad as hell! - ZBZ
mad as hell! - Chase6
toolman22 - Uncle_Hrothgar401 - 387
toolman22 - Underminer371 - 388
toolman22 - mtremayne471 - 428
toolman22 - Johnrb360
toolman22 - Drill431 - 487
toolman22 - SunshineandHunny
toolman22 - monday1
toolman22 - Gomich
toolman22 - mad as hell!
toolman22 - DDane23
toolman22 - ZBZ
toolman22 - Chase6
DDane23 - Uncle_Hrothgar
DDane23 - Underminer
DDane23 - mtremayne
DDane23 - Johnrb360
DDane23 - Drill
DDane23 - SunshineandHunny
DDane23 - monday1
DDane23 - Gomich
DDane23 - mad as hell!
DDane23 - toolman22
DDane23 - ZBZ
DDane23 - Chase6
ZBZ - Uncle_Hrothgar
ZBZ - Underminer
ZBZ - mtremayne
ZBZ - Johnrb360
ZBZ - Drill
ZBZ - SunshineandHunny
ZBZ - monday1
ZBZ - Gomich
ZBZ - mad as hell!
ZBZ - toolman22
ZBZ - DDane23
ZBZ - Chase6
Chase6 - Uncle_Hrothgar
Chase6 - Underminer
Chase6 - mtremayne
Chase6 - Johnrb360
Chase6 - Drill
Chase6 - SunshineandHunny
Chase6 - monday1
Chase6 - Gomich
Chase6 - mad as hell!
Chase6 - toolman22
Chase6 - DDane23
Chase6 - ZBZ