Popeye5555´s MIXED GAME.

Welcome to Popeye5555´s Mixed Game. Normal UND Zufall. 1x normales Brett, 1x zufälliges Brett —> 2 Duelle pro Paarung.

Open Tournament. 4 participants. Visible. All players meet each other twice. 3 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 RockyinMemory 6 3 0 3 2488-2156 332 9
2 Chreig 6 3 0 3 2359-2345 14 9
3 Popeye5555 6 3 0 3 2395-2517 -122 9
4 kirkem 6 3 0 3 2063-2287 -224 9

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Comment field

Name Message Time
Popeye5555 Chreig und kirkem, bitte 2. Ergebnis eintragen, damit ich das Turnier beenden kann. Danke! 2/03 2024 11:51:52
Popeye5555 2 Duelle pro Paarung: 1x auf Zufallsbrett, 1x auf normalem Brett. Achtung beim Eintragen der Ergebnisse. 17/02 2024 20:32:20




Match Result
Popeye5555 - kirkem 346 - 330
kirkem - Popeye5555 433 - 427
Popeye5555 - Chreig 482 - 475
Chreig - Popeye5555 373 - 355
Popeye5555 - RockyinMemory 370 - 365
RockyinMemory - Popeye5555 541 - 415
kirkem - Popeye5555 433 - 427
Popeye5555 - kirkem 346 - 330
kirkem - Chreig 319 - 312
Chreig - kirkem 404 - 405
kirkem - RockyinMemory 253 - 410
RockyinMemory - kirkem 388 - 323
Chreig - Popeye5555 373 - 355
Popeye5555 - Chreig 482 - 475
Chreig - kirkem 404 - 405
kirkem - Chreig 319 - 312
Chreig - RockyinMemory 397 - 393
RockyinMemory - Chreig 391 - 398
RockyinMemory - Popeye5555 541 - 415
Popeye5555 - RockyinMemory 370 - 365
RockyinMemory - kirkem 388 - 323
kirkem - RockyinMemory 253 - 410
RockyinMemory - Chreig 391 - 398
Chreig - RockyinMemory 397 - 393

Match program

Match Result
Popeye5555 - RockyinMemory 370 - 365
kirkem - Chreig 319 - 312
kirkem - Popeye5555 433 - 427
RockyinMemory - Chreig 391 - 398
Popeye5555 - Chreig 482 - 475
RockyinMemory - kirkem 388 - 323
Chreig - Popeye5555 373 - 355
kirkem - RockyinMemory 253 - 410
Popeye5555 - kirkem 346 - 330
Chreig - RockyinMemory 397 - 393
RockyinMemory - Popeye5555 541 - 415
Chreig - kirkem 404 - 405

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