Dodovogel51 ´s weekend challenge

Welcome to Dodovogel51 ´s Open!

Open Tournament. 6 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 Primasusi 5 5 0 0 2113-1673 440 10
2 Goodyshoes 5 3 0 2 1830-1768 62 6
3 smartraser 5 3 0 2 1772-1800 -28 6
4 SusiSorgenfrei 5 2 0 3 1725-1694 31 4
5 Ki3005 5 1 0 4 1716-1743 -27 2
6 Dodovogel51 5 1 0 4 1540-2018 -478 2

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Match Result
Dodovogel51 - SusiSorgenfrei 312 - 423
Dodovogel51 - Ki3005 387 - 326
Dodovogel51 - Primasusi 256 - 447
Dodovogel51 - Goodyshoes 262 - 469
Dodovogel51 - smartraser 323 - 353
SusiSorgenfrei - Dodovogel51 423 - 312
SusiSorgenfrei - Ki3005 376 - 325
SusiSorgenfrei - Primasusi 318 - 408
SusiSorgenfrei - Goodyshoes 316 - 321
SusiSorgenfrei - smartraser 292 - 328
Ki3005 - Dodovogel51 326 - 387
Ki3005 - SusiSorgenfrei 325 - 376
Ki3005 - Primasusi 316 - 336
Ki3005 - Goodyshoes 334 - 338
Ki3005 - smartraser 415 - 306
Primasusi - Dodovogel51 447 - 256
Primasusi - SusiSorgenfrei 408 - 318
Primasusi - Ki3005 336 - 316
Primasusi - Goodyshoes 457 - 397
Primasusi - smartraser 465 - 386
Goodyshoes - Dodovogel51 469 - 262
Goodyshoes - SusiSorgenfrei 321 - 316
Goodyshoes - Ki3005 338 - 334
Goodyshoes - Primasusi 397 - 457
Goodyshoes - smartraser 305 - 399
smartraser - Dodovogel51 353 - 323
smartraser - SusiSorgenfrei 328 - 292
smartraser - Ki3005 306 - 415
smartraser - Primasusi 386 - 465
smartraser - Goodyshoes 399 - 305

Match program

Match Result
Dodovogel51 - smartraser 323 - 353
SusiSorgenfrei - Goodyshoes 316 - 321
Ki3005 - Primasusi 316 - 336
Dodovogel51 - Goodyshoes 262 - 469
smartraser - Primasusi 386 - 465
SusiSorgenfrei - Ki3005 376 - 325
Dodovogel51 - Primasusi 256 - 447
Goodyshoes - Ki3005 338 - 334
smartraser - SusiSorgenfrei 328 - 292
Dodovogel51 - Ki3005 387 - 326
Primasusi - SusiSorgenfrei 408 - 318
Goodyshoes - smartraser 305 - 399
Dodovogel51 - SusiSorgenfrei 312 - 423
Ki3005 - smartraser 415 - 306
Primasusi - Goodyshoes 457 - 397

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