Schlumpfine2010 ´s Tournament

Welcome to Schlumpfine2010 ´s Tournament!

Open Tournament. 6 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 rüsselmops 5 4 0 1 1588-1465 123 8
2 CosaNostra83 5 3 0 2 1426-1192 234 6
3 SusiSorgenfrei 5 3 0 2 1468-1366 102 6
4 tanja1265 5 2 0 3 1820-1687 133 4
5 Goodyshoes 5 2 0 3 1693-1810 -117 4
6 Schlumpfine2010 5 1 0 4 1473-1948 -475 2

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Comment field

Name Message Time
SusiSorgenfrei Cosanostra hat aufgegeben 8/01 2024 10:00:34
rüsselmops CosaNostra hat aufgegeben 8/01 2024 09:35:06
CosaNostra83 Could you delete me from this tournament? Its my first time and im already in a Norwegian tournament. 5/01 2024 07:34:43
CosaNostra83 Could admin send me a message? 5/01 2024 07:33:15




Match Result
Schlumpfine2010 - SusiSorgenfrei 287 - 305
Schlumpfine2010 - Goodyshoes 388 - 329
Schlumpfine2010 - rüsselmops 307 - 354
Schlumpfine2010 - tanja1265 251 - 397
Schlumpfine2010 - CosaNostra83 240 - 563
SusiSorgenfrei - Schlumpfine2010 305 - 287
SusiSorgenfrei - Goodyshoes 293 - 379
SusiSorgenfrei - rüsselmops 372 - 398
SusiSorgenfrei - tanja1265 348 - 302
SusiSorgenfrei - CosaNostra83 150 - 0
Goodyshoes - Schlumpfine2010 329 - 388
Goodyshoes - SusiSorgenfrei 379 - 293
Goodyshoes - rüsselmops 340 - 341
Goodyshoes - tanja1265 342 - 326
Goodyshoes - CosaNostra83 303 - 462
rüsselmops - Schlumpfine2010 354 - 307
rüsselmops - SusiSorgenfrei 398 - 372
rüsselmops - Goodyshoes 341 - 340
rüsselmops - tanja1265 345 - 446
rüsselmops - CosaNostra83 150 - 0
tanja1265 - Schlumpfine2010 397 - 251
tanja1265 - SusiSorgenfrei 302 - 348
tanja1265 - Goodyshoes 326 - 342
tanja1265 - rüsselmops 446 - 345
tanja1265 - CosaNostra83 349 - 401
CosaNostra83 - Schlumpfine2010 563 - 240
CosaNostra83 - SusiSorgenfrei 0 - 150
CosaNostra83 - Goodyshoes 462 - 303
CosaNostra83 - rüsselmops 0 - 150
CosaNostra83 - tanja1265 401 - 349

Match program

Match Result
Schlumpfine2010 - CosaNostra83 240 - 563
SusiSorgenfrei - tanja1265 348 - 302
Goodyshoes - rüsselmops 340 - 341
Schlumpfine2010 - tanja1265 251 - 397
CosaNostra83 - rüsselmops 0 - 150
SusiSorgenfrei - Goodyshoes 293 - 379
Schlumpfine2010 - rüsselmops 307 - 354
tanja1265 - Goodyshoes 326 - 342
CosaNostra83 - SusiSorgenfrei 0 - 150
Schlumpfine2010 - Goodyshoes 388 - 329
rüsselmops - SusiSorgenfrei 398 - 372
tanja1265 - CosaNostra83 349 - 401
Schlumpfine2010 - SusiSorgenfrei 287 - 305
Goodyshoes - CosaNostra83 303 - 462
rüsselmops - tanja1265 345 - 446

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