SusiSorgenfrei´s Wordfeud Norsk Challenge

Willkommen zum Spiel am Winterwochenende!

Open Tournament. 8 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 Raaschi 7 6 0 1 2639-2295 344 12
2 Ki3005 7 4 0 3 2457-2169 288 8
3 krokoistda 7 4 0 3 2421-2302 119 8
4 Goodyshoes 7 4 0 3 2410-2299 111 8
5 Neram 7 3 0 4 2335-2447 -112 6
6 SusiSorgenfrei 7 3 0 4 2144-2379 -235 6
7 Schlumpfine2010 7 2 0 5 2206-2456 -250 4
8 Chaos Queen 7 2 0 5 2258-2523 -265 4

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Comment field

Name Message Time
SusiSorgenfrei Nein, kein Norwegisch. Ich wünsche allen viel Spaß. 2/12 2023 20:23:08
Schlumpfine2010 2/12 2023 18:24:45
Marcin Morales Wirklich in norwegisch? 2/12 2023 18:10:19




Match Result
SusiSorgenfrei - Raaschi 292 - 420
SusiSorgenfrei - krokoistda 378 - 350
SusiSorgenfrei - Ki3005 237 - 317
SusiSorgenfrei - Neram 301 - 337
SusiSorgenfrei - Chaos Queen 255 - 337
SusiSorgenfrei - Schlumpfine2010 361 - 326
SusiSorgenfrei - Goodyshoes 320 - 292
Raaschi - SusiSorgenfrei 420 - 292
Raaschi - krokoistda 309 - 369
Raaschi - Ki3005 412 - 283
Raaschi - Neram 374 - 326
Raaschi - Chaos Queen 412 - 378
Raaschi - Schlumpfine2010 328 - 325
Raaschi - Goodyshoes 384 - 322
krokoistda - SusiSorgenfrei 350 - 378
krokoistda - Raaschi 369 - 309
krokoistda - Ki3005 298 - 268
krokoistda - Neram 329 - 368
krokoistda - Chaos Queen 356 - 338
krokoistda - Schlumpfine2010 327 - 346
krokoistda - Goodyshoes 392 - 295
Ki3005 - SusiSorgenfrei 317 - 237
Ki3005 - Raaschi 283 - 412
Ki3005 - krokoistda 268 - 298
Ki3005 - Neram 372 - 325
Ki3005 - Chaos Queen 445 - 270
Ki3005 - Schlumpfine2010 438 - 292
Ki3005 - Goodyshoes 334 - 335
Neram - SusiSorgenfrei 337 - 301
Neram - Raaschi 326 - 374
Neram - krokoistda 368 - 329
Neram - Ki3005 325 - 372
Neram - Chaos Queen 347 - 351
Neram - Schlumpfine2010 353 - 277
Neram - Goodyshoes 279 - 443
Chaos Queen - SusiSorgenfrei 337 - 255
Chaos Queen - Raaschi 378 - 412
Chaos Queen - krokoistda 338 - 356
Chaos Queen - Ki3005 270 - 445
Chaos Queen - Neram 351 - 347
Chaos Queen - Schlumpfine2010 293 - 341
Chaos Queen - Goodyshoes 291 - 367
Schlumpfine2010 - SusiSorgenfrei 326 - 361
Schlumpfine2010 - Raaschi 325 - 328
Schlumpfine2010 - krokoistda 346 - 327
Schlumpfine2010 - Ki3005 292 - 438
Schlumpfine2010 - Neram 277 - 353
Schlumpfine2010 - Chaos Queen 341 - 293
Schlumpfine2010 - Goodyshoes 299 - 356
Goodyshoes - SusiSorgenfrei 292 - 320
Goodyshoes - Raaschi 322 - 384
Goodyshoes - krokoistda 295 - 392
Goodyshoes - Ki3005 335 - 334
Goodyshoes - Neram 443 - 279
Goodyshoes - Chaos Queen 367 - 291
Goodyshoes - Schlumpfine2010 356 - 299

Match program

Match Result
SusiSorgenfrei - Goodyshoes 320 - 292
Raaschi - Schlumpfine2010 328 - 325
krokoistda - Chaos Queen 356 - 338
Ki3005 - Neram 372 - 325
SusiSorgenfrei - Schlumpfine2010 361 - 326
Goodyshoes - Chaos Queen 367 - 291
Raaschi - Neram 374 - 326
krokoistda - Ki3005 298 - 268
SusiSorgenfrei - Chaos Queen 255 - 337
Schlumpfine2010 - Neram 277 - 353
Goodyshoes - Ki3005 335 - 334
Raaschi - krokoistda 309 - 369
SusiSorgenfrei - Neram 301 - 337
Chaos Queen - Ki3005 270 - 445
Schlumpfine2010 - krokoistda 346 - 327
Goodyshoes - Raaschi 322 - 384
SusiSorgenfrei - Ki3005 237 - 317
Neram - krokoistda 368 - 329
Chaos Queen - Raaschi 378 - 412
Schlumpfine2010 - Goodyshoes 299 - 356
SusiSorgenfrei - krokoistda 378 - 350
Ki3005 - Raaschi 283 - 412
Neram - Goodyshoes 279 - 443
Chaos Queen - Schlumpfine2010 293 - 341
SusiSorgenfrei - Raaschi 292 - 420
krokoistda - Goodyshoes 392 - 295
Ki3005 - Schlumpfine2010 438 - 292
Neram - Chaos Queen 347 - 351

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