Schlumpfine2010 ´s Challenge

Welcome to Schlumpfine2010 ´s Challenge!

Open Tournament. 6 participants. Visible. All players meet each other once. 2 points per victory.

Type: Sport: League:

Plass Name Played Won Draw Lost Score for-against Margin Points
1 Popeye5555 5 4 0 1 1854-1620 234 8
2 Spyderwoman0606 5 4 0 1 1762-1532 230 8
3 Nelli0815 5 3 0 2 1841-1550 291 6
4 Schlumpfine2010 5 2 0 3 1694-1709 -15 4
5 krokoistda 5 2 0 3 1613-1792 -179 4
6 SusiSorgenfrei 5 0 0 5 1427-1988 -561 0

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Match Result
Schlumpfine2010 - Popeye5555 348 - 406
Schlumpfine2010 - Nelli0815 286 - 389
Schlumpfine2010 - Spyderwoman0606 272 - 291
Schlumpfine2010 - SusiSorgenfrei 391 - 275
Schlumpfine2010 - krokoistda 397 - 348
Popeye5555 - Schlumpfine2010 406 - 348
Popeye5555 - Nelli0815 368 - 307
Popeye5555 - Spyderwoman0606 375 - 363
Popeye5555 - SusiSorgenfrei 383 - 254
Popeye5555 - krokoistda 322 - 348
Nelli0815 - Schlumpfine2010 389 - 286
Nelli0815 - Popeye5555 307 - 368
Nelli0815 - Spyderwoman0606 282 - 365
Nelli0815 - SusiSorgenfrei 434 - 290
Nelli0815 - krokoistda 429 - 241
Spyderwoman0606 - Schlumpfine2010 291 - 272
Spyderwoman0606 - Popeye5555 363 - 375
Spyderwoman0606 - Nelli0815 365 - 282
Spyderwoman0606 - SusiSorgenfrei 398 - 309
Spyderwoman0606 - krokoistda 345 - 294
SusiSorgenfrei - Schlumpfine2010 275 - 391
SusiSorgenfrei - Popeye5555 254 - 383
SusiSorgenfrei - Nelli0815 290 - 434
SusiSorgenfrei - Spyderwoman0606 309 - 398
SusiSorgenfrei - krokoistda 299 - 382
krokoistda - Schlumpfine2010 348 - 397
krokoistda - Popeye5555 348 - 322
krokoistda - Nelli0815 241 - 429
krokoistda - Spyderwoman0606 294 - 345
krokoistda - SusiSorgenfrei 382 - 299

Match program

Match Result
Schlumpfine2010 - krokoistda 397 - 348
Popeye5555 - SusiSorgenfrei 383 - 254
Nelli0815 - Spyderwoman0606 282 - 365
Schlumpfine2010 - SusiSorgenfrei 391 - 275
krokoistda - Spyderwoman0606 294 - 345
Popeye5555 - Nelli0815 368 - 307
Schlumpfine2010 - Spyderwoman0606 272 - 291
SusiSorgenfrei - Nelli0815 290 - 434
krokoistda - Popeye5555 348 - 322
Schlumpfine2010 - Nelli0815 286 - 389
Spyderwoman0606 - Popeye5555 363 - 375
SusiSorgenfrei - krokoistda 299 - 382
Schlumpfine2010 - Popeye5555 348 - 406
Nelli0815 - krokoistda 429 - 241
Spyderwoman0606 - SusiSorgenfrei 398 - 309

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